Not Just For Kids: An Inquiry Into The Foundations, Benefits, and Design Interventions Of Play Equity For Adults
Advocating For the Fundamental Right to Play For Adults and the Creation of Playful Spaces As A Holistic Design Approach For Urban Well-Being
Please read full paper on Academia.Edu here
This scholarly inquiry undertakes an exploration of the paradigm of ‘Adult PlayEquity’, challenging prevailing notions that restrict play to the domain of childhood.Through an analysis of its definition, importance, and inherent characteristics, the paper illuminates the profound advantages that play confers upon adults, spanning realms suchas mental health, physical vigor, and social-emotional development. The investigationextends across varied dimensions, from individual wellness to the broader arenas of society and urban landscapes, offering nuanced perspectives on the promotion,sustenance, and integration of ‘Play Equity’ into communal frameworks as a strategicdesign intervention for future cities. The paper culminates by underscoring the potentialtransformative impact of ‘Play Equity’ on adult lives and fervently advocating for itsformal acknowledgment as an inalienable human right. Moreover, it underscores anotable gap in research concerning the significance of play in the context of adults,emphasizing the abundance of existing research in this domain specifically tailored tochildren. Consequently, this research study advocates for the imperative necessity of further scholarly investigations and practical design interventions aimed at fosteringequitable opportunities for play for all ages.